Fish Pond
Fish Pond
You slowly submerge
The plastic bag
Into the pond
As confused goldfish swarm one side
And later join their terminal associates
Like translucent gladiators going off to war.
Spending most of the day
Under a large, flat slate,
They emerge
To eat the floating, green strands
And nibble the felt blanket
That clings to the rock bed.
Each day, another one leaves;
Some float away from their comrades,
Some find themselves
In the belly of a raccoon,
While others stay to solve the mystery
Of the deadly pond
Only to become a deeper part of it.
After the last sacrifice,
The soothing sound of water,
The sunlight on the upper falls,
The tentacles of lily blossoms,
And the occasional bird bathing
Against the backdrop
Of Hogback Mountain
Form a soulful symphony
At this watery tomb.