Full Circle Farmhouse
Dedicated to Michele and George
The acrid residue of smoke
Came to rest in our passageways
As we walked through the hull
Of the old farmhouse,
Sidestepping fallen sculptures
Of black wood and twisted metal.
The house survived the
Civil War and
Inserted itself
Into the union
Of a cast iron wood stove
And a thin wall of cement.
Wood curled and glowed
Behind the wall for years
Until it finally said,
The irony of the name
Of the farm
Escaped no one.
A new beginning
Would lay to rest
The pets, photos,
Mementos, and history
That expired that day
In a haze of smoke.
The aftermath reminds me
Of an old sonnet,
A glowing fire being consumed
By that which nourished it,
And lives emerging from ashes,
Coming full circle.