More Space Than Matter
More Space Than Matter
More space than matter,
I wonder why I haven’t
Drifted apart from myself
Though to be true,
I have more than once,
Gluing the atoms together
And forming what I thought
I should be or what
Everyone else thought I was.
Looking in the mirror
And not recognizing me,
I open dusty albums
With black and white
Polaroids that don’t look
Like me either.
Is this how it feels
To lose oneself?
To wander the familiar
Corridors, weaving
Endlessly into each room,
Looking for my old self, my
New self, or just me
And finding no one?
This must be
What it feels like to be undead —
To drift aimlessly like
All the other lost souls,
And yet I don’t see anyone
I recognize. I see only
Empty rooms, empty hallways,
And empty space.
I don’t even see me
In the mirror anymore.
I see a glass or silver
Etching of a face
That seems strangely
Familiar and familiarly
With thinner lips, more lines,
And yet a hint of youth,
A lost fragrance
That I can still smell
Through the glass
That is fogged with age,
An act of kindness, after all.